التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي


عرض الرسائل ذات التصنيف الذبحة

لنتجنب الذبحة الصدريه

The above is Dr Wei Zgeng, a director of Cardiac Surgery in Taipei The trick of his teaching is this procedure has to be done immediately, when your heart is unwell It is a safer method than CPR Briefly as he explains, when a person feels he is experiencing heart attack, besides calling and waiting for ambulance, you can do this life saving technique Using your hand placed over the armpit of the person, squeeze 7-8 times while lifting his arms up and down Then do the same to the other arm Do this while waiting for ambulance as it keeps the blood pumping through the heart until you feel better If you are alone, quickly do this while you seek medical help ASAP If it is severe, it's best to have 2 persons working on you one on each arm for better result Apparently this is an easier and safer method than CPR He hopes we will be able to teach and share this procedure to as many people as possible هذا هو الدكتور ويزقينق رئيس جراحة القلب في مدينة تايبيه بتايوان، السر في ...